Infographic: Pressure Washing Mould & Algae

Want to know more about mould and algae on your property? Want to know how to get rid of it? This is the infographic for you!

Noticed some uninvited green and black guests making themselves at home on your driveway, siding, or deck? Don’t worry, you’re not alone! Mold and algae are about as fond of your outdoor surfaces as ants are of a picnic. Luckily, there’s a superhero solution to your slimy squatters: pressure washing!

In this infographic, we’ll explore just how pressure washing can send mould and algae packing, and why making this a part of your home maintenance routine is as essential as remembering to cut the grass (but way more powerful).

We also look at why mould and algae are so abundant here in the Midlands, of KZN.

So, grab your favorite cup of coffee, and let’s get down to the nitty-gritty of keeping your home mould free!

Infographic on mould and algae

If you have stumbled across this page, because you have mould and aglae issues in your home, here in the Midlands of KZN, then give us a call. We can professional remove it from your house exterior, including roofs, gutters, driveway, concrete areas, pool areas and more!

Give Rory a call or WhatsApp on 061 455 0276 or fill in our online form.


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