Reduce Costs, Increase Foot Traffic
Commercial properties are all about businesses trying to attract consumers. It’s the estate agent’s office, with colourful banners reaching out to say “Pick me to sell your house.” It’s the bakery with enticing baskets of sourdough in display windows. It is the local gym asking residents to choose them to reach their 2024 fitness resolutions.
If you are a commercial property owner, your residents are going to want their space to be welcoming to their target audience. And that includes giving them a space with visible parking lines, clean walls and non-slip pathways. To achieve all of that, you are going to have to bring in pressure-washing professionals.

You Have Seven Seconds To Make An Impression
That’s it. Only seven. That is the time it took you to read that heading and get to this full stop. First impressions happen in a blink and can make the difference between someone stopping their car to come in, or moving on to check out your competitor down the road.
The exterior of a property is the initial point of contact between a consumer and a business. It is the very first physical stage that they will get a sense of who you are and what you are about. From that, they will determine if you are presentable if they feel safe in your space and what kind of a business you are running.
Remember, technically there is nothing different between a local Holiday Inn and The Oyster Box. They are both made of concrete and bricks. They also (mostly) have pools and breakfast options.
But yet when you look at one and look at the other, you just know the Oyster is a 5-star without even experiencing anything in terms of either one’s customer service or turndown service. That is the power of aesthetics.
Having a clean building, with well-maintained gutters and fresh walls will improve your space tenfold.

Reduce the Cost On Your Bottom Line
Dirt, grime, mould and algae build up on surfaces, creating an area that keeps that section moist and wet. Over time the moisture damages the roof, or walls, causing structural damage that can weaken that area and stain the material.
Regular cleaning can remove these pollutants and avoid constantly repairing damage and having to repaint all the time to keep the area clean.
Saves Time
Health and Safety
A lot of cleaning companies will tell you, you need to remove mould, mildew and algae from your surfaces. If you ask them why, they might mutter something about health and safety. If you ask more questions, they probably change the topic. Let us tell you why these fungi are an actual issue and why you need to pressure wash your surfaces.

Mould and Mildew
These fungi love moist environments and sports are the issue that you want to avoid. Especially if you are doing a commercial business where there is a large amount of people sitting, having lunch, or working at their desks. The spores cause allergic reactions and get caught up in the air, causing respiratory issues.
The sports irritate the airways, causing the person to cough, wheeze and even bring on an asthma attack if the person has a precondition. In humid conditions, such as Pietermaritzburg and the larger Durban area, we are especially susceptible to mould problems.
Algae are usually found on damp surfaces, like around a swimming pool or by the restrooms and shower areas. When they grow they tend to create a slime layer to protect themselves from predators. But that slime layer is also hazardous for guests and employees walking in that area.
8 million hospital emergency room visits a year are due to slips and falls. The Centers for Disease (CDC) also reports that approximately 1.8 million people over the age of 65 were treated in an emergency room as a result of a fall. Falls account for 87% of all fractures among people over the age of 65 and are the second leading cause of spinal cord injuries and brain injury symptoms.
Something that high-retirement areas, like the Midlands, need to keep in mind when doing their floor and pool area maintenance.

Where There’s Muck, There’s Our Truck: Power Wash Saves the Day
We started the loyalty program with our customers because we wanted to give our clients something back, but also as an incentive to clean spaces more often. Having a clean commercial space, like a shopping centre, office building, cafe, or sports complex will make a huge difference to how potential customers view your space.
Contact us today about making your space look inviting and welcoming to your clients.
[…] Hilton, with its rolling hills and lush landscapes, is undoubtedly one of the most scenic places you can find in KZN. However, its higher altitude brings more mist and rainfall, which can leave homes, businesses, and public places like petrol stations looking a bit drab if not regularly maintained. […]